Is a human born of this planet (earth). Or come from another planet? Or is man born with gradual progress or through evolution? The structure of man is very complex, the more easy it appears from outside, the more difficult it is from the inside. Looking at the creation of humans, modern scientists have given their views in many ways, so it is believed that human progress has been attained by gradual progress or evolution. It is believed that humans were the first apes. And humans originated from apes. Now the question arises that has there really been a gradual advancement or evolution which has resulted in a complete human body ? There are many assumptions in this subject, in which if we look according to Hindu scriptures, then human form was not attained through gradual progress or evolution. Human origin has been told that they have been revealed for the development of the world. The question here is how can humans manifested? Who ...
Showing posts from September, 2019
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Is our breathing is reason behind both our living and dying? The subject is that is our breathing the reason behind both our living and dying? It is true that we cannot live without breathing. But we all will die even if we breathe, is it true? I f we talk about the spiritual age. : - In which if attention is given to the routine of sages (rishi and muni), then they used to try to increase their conscious powers before increasing their physical powers. For which he used to meditate. Why was meditation done? What was the purpose behind meditation? ( The reason behind sage-munio's meditation was to control his breath. By applying meditation, the speed of our breath becomes very slow. The purpose of meditation is to listen to your breath and to listen to its slowest pace. There is a special thing to be seen in these meditative reactions and that is the slowing of the breath, so there is less intake of oxygen in the body. So by meditation our bo...
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Divine weapon-Arms composition or modern weapon-Arms composition and need of weapons. weapons-arms has been used by humans ever since the origin of humans or animals, but we have seen that weapons and arms has been composed in many ways, we have seen many types of references in many religious texts about divine weapons. And in the modern era, the modern weapon session is being composed. ...
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Is our next birth based on deeds of previous birth? pic.( We have read in many texts that we get the next body of our karma or deeds, is this true? There is no effect in the soul or vitality of the body, because karma does physical body, then why does karma affect the next life ? This statement is true that the soul carries some other body after death, reborn is possible ie.the soul gets another new body, It is also mentioned in the Hindu text in Bhagwad Gita: - वसांसि जीर्णानि यथा विहाय, नवानि ग्राहति नरोअप्राणि। तथा शरीराणि विहाय जीर्णान्यन्यानि संयाति नवानि देहि।। That is, just as a person renounces old clothes and wears new clothes, so the soul or vitality leaves the old body and takes a new body . Now how does the deeds of our former birth affect our rebirth? An organism or any other body is born of its enlightened state or...
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If every particle, matter, or every cosmic structure has consciousness or vitality, then why they are different from each other? In our study of spiritual and modern science till now, we have learned that a consciousness works in every particle or even in matter, or that consciousness makes those substances or matter to do work, and consciousness itself is a symptom of the soul. Therefore, there is life in every substance. Now the question arises, if consciousness works in every particles and substance, then why do every cosmic creations have different behavior? Why is their nature and appearance are different, why any creature is inanimate? Why is an organism different, why is different behavior of an organism and why in substances in the same way? As we have already said that consciousness is the symptom of the soul and the symptoms keep changing and this symptom determines the life that soul or vitality will get.It is consciousness that makes matter...
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What is vitality and soul? How is it? Where is it? what should be vitality and soul? The soul or vitality has been forbidden as a small atom, (this soul is smaller than the atom of hydrogen?) So can there be any atom and molecule which can be smaller than the hydrogen in the shape or size of an atom or molecule but similar in strength or it even more powerful or influential? And the power emanating from it works as consciousness? So is it the enlightened power? Meaning , the enlightened power comes out of the soul and the vitality, which flows throughout the body. The measurement of soul and vitality in Hindu Sanatana texts is as follows: - बलाग्र...
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Does every substance or particle have consciousness? Does every substance or particle have consciousness? If we talk about the living beings then life, soul, consciousness have been found in them. Now the question is, does life, soul or consciousness work in other materials such as atoms and molecules also? If it is, what is its condition? What is its function or how much? According to spirituality, in the particle, the conscious power is accepted (in the particle, there is existence of God is said). Hence it is believed that there is some divine power in every particle. Modern science is in search of what these atoms and molecules are made of, what is the smallest unit from which this atoms and molecule is made up off? ...
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"This whole universe and world is spiritual or physical" "यह सम्पूर्ण जगत अथ्वा सृष्टि आध्यात्मिक है या भौतिक" चर्चा का विषय यह है की अगर इस्वर अथवा परमात्मा पर विश्वास रखने वाले लोगे से पूछा जाये तो उनका कहना है की यह सम्पूर्ण जगत आध्यात्मिक है और अगर आधुनिक विज्ञानं से पूछा जाये तो उनका कहना है के यह जगत आध्यात्मिक नहीं भौतिक है। अतः यह सम्पूर्ण जगत आध्यात्मिक है या भौतिक? यहाँ प्रश्न यह आता है की आध्यात्मिक क्या है?और भौतिक क्या है? सब से पहले हम बात करते है भौतिक की, जो स्पष्ट रूप से दिखाई दे जिसे हम छू सके महसूस हर सके ये भौतिक के अंतर्गत आती है , और अध्यात्म ये कहता ये सम्पूर्ण जगत (ब्रह्मांड)एक अलौकिक शक्ति से चलाया जाता है,चाहे वो भौतिक शरीर हो या न हो। अतः सम्पूर्ण जगत में बानी हर एक भौतिक शरीर एक चैतन्य शक्ति द्वारा चलाई जाती है अतः उनमे खुद एक चेतना काम करती है जिससे उनमे भौतिक क्रियाये द...
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"Spirituality and Science" "अध्यात्म और विज्ञान" मै अध्यात्म और विज्ञान को समझने का प्रयत्न कर रहा हूँ, आखिर विज्ञान अध्यात्म है क्या?इनके उद्देश्य क्या है? हमारा मानना यह है की अध्यात्म और विज्ञान दोनों को समझना चाहिए, दोनों एक ही है,विज्ञान और अध्यात्म दोनों का मूल श्रोत एक ही है,जिनके परिणामो में कोई अंतर नहीं है,दोनों में बस थोड़ा सा ही अंतर है की विज्ञान जिज्ञासा और अध्यात्म चेतना से है,किन्तु जिज्ञासा चेतना से ही उत्पन्न होती है। अगर अध्यात्म और विज्ञान के उद्देश्यों के तरफ देखा जाये तो दोनों के उद्देश्य एक ही है और वह है सत्य की खोज करना,सत्य तक पहुंचना । हिन्दू धार्मिक ग्रंथो में वेदो पुराणों में इन मार्गो के विषय में बताया गया है,कैसे ऋषि-मुनि ध्यान लगा कर चेतना ...
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"Spirituality and religion" "अध्यात्म और धर्म" मैं अध्यात्म और धर्म को सरल भाषा में समझने का प्रयत्न कर रहा हूँ , अध्यात्म और धर्म क्या है इनके उद्देश्य क्या है? ये क्यू बनाये गए? और हमरे लिए इनकी क्या आवश्यकता है और क्यों? हम इन सभी प्रश्नो के बारे में विचार करेंगे। अध्यात्म :- अध्यात्म एक जरिया है अपने आत्मा, चेतना को समझने का,अपने भीतर दैविक शक्तियों को जगाने का, अध्यात्म एक साधना है, और मनुष्य साधक है, अध्यात्म एक मार्ग है जिससे ब्रह्मांडीय शक्तयो को पहचाना जा सकता है , उन शक्तयो को पाकर अपनी चेतना को जागृत कर जन कल्याण के लिए काम करना ही अध्यात्म है,अध्यात्म प्राणियों में सदभावना का भाव एवं समस्त जन-जाति की रक्षा सिखाता है,अध्यात्म इन्द्रयों को जागृत करने का माध्यम है अल...